Candlelight Yin Reimagined

Dear friends and yogis,


Recently I checked out a book from my local library I read years ago, titled: “Yoga for people who can’t be bothered to do it.“ It’s a  series of quirky short stories, written by Geoff Dyer, published in 2004. A travel log of sorts spanning from Cambodia to Amsterdam.

The title of the book reminded me of our ongoing “First Friday of the month candlelight Yin yoga class”.  I keep saying jokingly that it’s the most popular, but least attended class! In other words, people love, absolutely LOVE the idea, but perhaps go back to their martini’s instead. After all, it’s Friday evening!! Yet the commitment and dedication from a small group of students has kept me going with this class, uninterrupted, for the last three years.

Recently, I have received multiple suggestions on how to increase the audience for this monthly experience. After all, there is a real need. We do yearn to sleep better and deeper. Sleep being the most Yin activity in our lives.

With this in mind, I’ve decided to move the class to the first Tuesday of the month. Starting on Tuesday, September 5: “Candlelight Yin yoga reimagined“ will commence!




🙏    Robert

PS. For a complete schedule of all my online classes, ways to join in and contribute. Please go to the front page of my website:



Robert de Nies

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